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Detailed action plan to help me get there

Specific planning is not intuitive or natural for everyone. Planning is a disciplined way of preparations to minimize the risks of failure. The value is in the thinking and not just the outputs.  Perhaps because of my training, I would prefer to think through the action items I need To Do even though I might NOT be writing them down in a piece of paper neatly like the table shown below.  The table given below is meant to be a general guide – and it may not be exhaustive in terms of the questions asked.

The biggest obstacle I faced and for many entrepreneurs was that of family objection.  This is particularly so when you are relatively successful in whatever you are doing without a strong “push” factor.  Parents and Spouse are powerful influencing forces – they either help you to succeed or impede you from what you want to do.  At the end of the day, you have to make a choice.  I often say that strong objections could be good because in my case, it made me even more determined to succeed!

INSTRUCTIONS:  Please complete the detailed action planning chart given below:

Action Items – What?

By When?

Help Needed, and from who?

 a)   What are the key actions that I need to do  (from column to do) in order to have what I need so as to become what I want to be?  (Higher priority items state first)


b)   What barriers and obstacles do I anticipate and the necessary actions I need to take to overcome them? (e.g. family objection).

c)    What actions do I need to take so as to prepare or market myself positively? (e.g. increase my market visibility and credibility through certification).

d)   If I were to start the business, what weaknesses or gaps do I have (e.g. selling skills) that require me to do something?  How am I going to overcome my weaknesses and close the gaps?  (e.g. attend seminars and learn from experienced people).